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Companies Philosophy

Cables are in most cases invisible but nevertheless substantial elements of all electrical and electronic devices and installations. As a manufacturer of special cables we are therefore confronted with a threefold challenge:

● Timely deliveries,
● Product quality and
● Competitive cost.

In order to meet these challenges and to ultimately ensure customer satisfaction, we are placing great emphasis on quality assurance. It is important to note that quality is not assured by final inspection but by integrating quality into the manufacturing process.

We achieve integration of quality assurance through the following measures:
● Supplier audits,
● Incoming inspection,
● Statistical process control,
● Trace back mechanism,
● Quality circles, and
● Training for everyone.

The essential criteria for the success of our quality system are:
● Full support by all levels of management,
● Uncompromising quality attitude,
● Intensive training programmes, and
● Involvement of all departments and levels.